The Museum Guide to Dorking


The Museum Guide to Dorking

by Kathy Atherton

The history of Holmwood is inextricably linked to that of Dorking. Those with an interest in Holmwood history may be interested in the following publication. 

Discover the familiar: Box Hill, Deepdene, the Dorking Cockerel, EM Forster and Vaughan Williams. Be surprised by the unexpected: rioters, suffragettes, innovators, campaigners and radical thinkers.

The Museum Guide to Dorking combines text from the panels of Dorking Museum's permanent exhibition with reproductions of paintings, posters, photographs and artefacts from its collections, many not on display and most never published before.

This quirky, thought provoking and beautifully illustrated book provides the reader with a unique insight into the history of Dorking, its people, and the surrounding countryside and villages.

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Published in 2013 by The Cockerel Press

ISBN 978-1-909871-00-7

88 pages; 152 illustrations (98 in colour) £10

- Available from Dorking Museum online OR

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